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Mamee Chef Always The Best

This is gonna be a long post, so I hope you don't mind to read about my trip to Mamee Factory, Melaka with the best ever community Nuffnang and bloggers. Here we go with the introduction about the Mamee. Mamee Double-Decker Berhad is a Malaysian based company with interests in the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of snack foods, beverages, and other products. As of 2014 the company headquarters is in the Air Keroh Industrial Estate in Malacca, Malaysia and it has an office in Subang, Selangor in Greater Kuala Lumpur.As of 2008 it has its registered office in City Plaza in Johor Bahru. It distributes the Mister Potato and Mamee Noodles brands.

One of the best noodles now is Mamee Chef and it's from Mamee Double-Decker. I was one of the fan of Mamee Chef. When I get the invitation from Nuffnang it was my honour to visit Mamee Factory and know more about the process of Mamee Chef. Important thing we have to know is Mamee Chef already certified as Halal product and it have highest standards of quality and hygiene in food production. I already saw the process and it is very clean.
Jom upgrade to Mamee Chef everyone. It is worth you know. 
For Mamee Chef creation, Dato' Chef Ismail has ensure the flavours and taste is similar to what Malaysian always have at home. The paste (co-created with Chef Ismail) for Mamee Chef's Thai Tom Yam and Curry Laksa recipe are made with fresh ingredients of herbs and spices.
To ensure that Mamee Chef has an even better taste, each packet of Mamee Chef comes with a pre-packed condiments. There's different condiments for different flavours such as Prawns, bite-sized tofu, shiitake mushrooms and vegetables. 
This is the easiest step to make Mamee Chef.

Before we are going to Melaka on 31st May 2014, all the bloggers and nuffnang members have to gather at Mamee Double Decker (M) Berhad at Persiaran Subang Indah. It was the best moment when I can meet bloggers and nuffnang team. Thank you Nuffnang for the opportunity. Let me start talking about what happen when we arrive at Mamee Factory, Melaka.
When we arrive at Mamee Factory. We have photo session with the Nuffnang team and bloggers but I will show you the picture in the end of the post. And when we get into the building they serve us with Nutrigen Lite Yo and it is very refreshing. What can I see from there is they have a lot of product and it is very familiar for me. They display the product very well to make sure us know when the product was produce. And they also show us television commercial from Double Decker which is very popular.

Mamee Chef Curry Laksa was rated as Top 10 best instant noodles in the world for 2014 by The Ramen Rater is known for his popular reviews of all the instants noodles that he has tasted from around the world. He is based in US and has reviewed over 1,200+ different type of instant noodles. He reviews and rates them solely based on his own opinion. In his recent postings The Ramen Rater has included Mamee Chef in his annual Top 10 best instant noodles in the world for 2014. Please watch the video I put together here.
They also show us how to make Mee Tarik. It is from La Mian sifu and I am impressed from her performance. You can see from the picture I put here.
It's not easy to make great noodles everyone.
And here the awesome Mee Tarik. Same as what they created for Mamee Chef with machine and we are able to make noodles goes through the same pulling and folding process like La Mian noodles.
Photo session with the owner of Mamee, Datuk Pang Chin Hin. We also get to see Curry Laksa cooking show.
Here we are some of the moment with my friend bloggers.
Now we are going to know the process of Mamee Chef and others product from Mamee. Here are the person in charge to explain to us. You can see all the machine here are very big and most important is they are very clean and systematic.
The process was very complicated that is why Mamee Chef is the best noodles. From steam, frying, cooling, packing and a lot of process that I don't remember just to make Mamee Chef.
This is the process after frying.
This is the step before they are going to start packing the product.
Choose the best one before packing.
Here are the last step, packing and you can get the product from all over Malaysia after this.
Yeayy now is the lunch time. I am very lucky that I can try Nasi Ayam Kepal. This menu will be on Mamee restaurant at Mamee Jonker House. It taste great you know.
After taking picture and received a goodies from Mamee we depart to Mamee Jonker House.
Bloggers moment with Mamee Chef booth.
We arrive at Mamee Jonker House and get warm welcome from the Mamee mascot. At Mamee Jonker House they sell a lot of merchandise like keychain, t-shirt, mug, pin, cute mascot and etc. they also selling the product from Mamee and one of the best thing is they have restaurant on it. You can eat best noodles here and also Nasi Ayam Kepal.
And now they explain to us about others activities you can do on Mamee Jonker House.
First you can make you own cup of noodles. Colors and put your name on it, after that you can have your own Mamee noodles.
This is my own creation. hehe. Then I want to put my real noodles on it.
Here are the step for you to get your own noodles. They have 6 station before it's done. Station 1 - Place your cup into the slot. Station 2 - Choose 4 choice of condiments. Station 3 - Lidding. Station 4 - Wrapping. Station 5 - Shrink Wrapping and lastly is Station 6 - Your mamee noodles is ready. hehe
Here are my Mamee Chef creation. Yummm Yummm..
They also have Monster Kitchen. Here you can get experience by doing your own noodles. They will give you the materials and directions. They only do the session if they get more than 15 persons and they have 3 slot which is at 11.00am, 1.30pm, 3.00pm (if I'm not mistaken) or you can call to make a reserved.
Each area are filled with picture of Mamee creation and it is very creative and beautiful. We as bloggers will take this as a great opportunity and share with other the experience we have. I hope all of you get a knowledge about Mamee Chef and how the noodles process. 
While on the way back, I can see many advertisements on the street is the product of Mamee. This means that the Mamee product are high quality and famous. It is worth to buy. Thank you so much Mamee for the experience and knowledge.
This is what I get from the trip. Mamee product that I bought at Mamee Jonker House and Mamee Chef noodles as a gift and the chopstick with note also drinks product from Lite Yo and my own creation from Mamee Chef. Thank you so much.
Here are the picture that I talk earlier. Group photo session with Nuffnang team, bloggers and Mamee team. Thank you everyone for making my days meaningful. Hope to meet you guys again.
Visit website Mamee to know more or Mamee Chef Facebook Page.

Till Next Entry.
Love, Asyik.


  1. ruginya x dapat join :( jeles kita hukhuk..

  2. Best!!! hehehe, dapat kenal Asyik and blogger lain jugak :)

  3. syoknyaaaa....da nk dpt da join xsempat...kalau x bole jumpa...

    1. huhu..xde rezeki nk jumpa time lah yea InshaAllah..:)

  4. seronok tgk korang ....x terpilih pun sebab bagi respon kat nuffnang last minute...

  5. walaweiiii..pnjg gile entry!! sonok tgk gmbr byk2..ayue pnye pendek je,,haha..blom approve lg :P

    1. hehe..mana tahu rezeki dpt RM200 kan..aritu hamper xberpeluang..:)

  6. Bestnyaaa dapat pergi, ena dapat jemputan tapi malangnya ada hal pula masa ni.. Hurmmmm... Apapun, Mameee memang sedap!

    1. ala, teringin jumpa time lah yea..:)

  7. Ruginya akak x yerpilih hari tu...xde reply pun dari nuffnang...x per la xde rezki kan...

    1. xpe akk next time mana tahu rezeki akk pula..;)


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